Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 9, 2013

Hey guys!, Wow! haha. You guys have it all planned out! Sounds great! What's an ob-gyn or what ever you guys said that the Stake President is going to be doing? So I'm a little nervous about the transition but I'm sure that's normal, but I'm also excited. I still can't believe the fact that it's basically over. I still feel as though I had just walked into those MTC doors crying about the fact that I had just said goodbye to my family for 2 years to become part of the Lords army and see the lives of many change and be able to change myself. I haven't been the greatest missionary ever but I know the Lord is happy with the work I've done. I know with all my heart that this gospel is true and that this is what I need and everyone needs to be happy and to be able to get back to our Father in Heavens presence. I know that Christ died for us and has given us a chance to get back to His presence. He knows what we're going through and He knows that we need Him to get back to His presence. I have been studying a lot lately in Alma 5 and trying to answer the questions that are there and trying to find every single little problem there is with me and fix it and make myself better in all I do. I hope I can get home and know that I will be an instrument in the Lords hands. I feel that everyone will be watching me and my every move to see if I've changed or whatever, but I know it's not important what everyone thinks. I know I've done my best to change and that's what matters and I know that the Lord is happy with me and what I've done. I will write you guys on Monday, haha. I'm excited and nervous! WOOO! Elder Lowder

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 2, 2013

Hey Guys, So, just to answer your question real fast, I'm not at all trunky, hahaha. I'm very happy and I'm working just as hard as ever and looking in every moment to get better. I am excited to get home though to see you guys and all that. Kellen is back? haha. He just couldn't stay away could he. It's gonna be hard to get up in front of the ward again and speak and teach in English! That freaks me out, haha. Has any one mentioned anything about that? So it's been raining a lot here which is frustrating but other than that everyone always says that i look like I'm glowing with happiness hahahaha. That's wierd. But anyways, this week my comp and I are gonna baptise 2 people and then next week we're gonna baptise 5 on my last week here, so I'm pretty excited that. I'm going to go home baptising and helping the people. So I don't know why but it feels harder to write now that I'm almost home, haha. Oh yeah, so this Saturday we're gonna have an activity with the Ward. We're gonna do the Olympics. We made a video like for an opening ceremony and we're gonna have a fog machine and some lights to get everyone super psyched and then we're gonna go play. But yeah, that about it. Love you guys and miss you Elder Lowder

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 26th, 2013

Hey guys, We did baptize that family! So everything is going good! I feel good and I’m happy. It feels really weird for me that I’m already going to be home in 3 weeks. It feels like I still have a long long long ways to go. I sure hope I can fulfill whatever the Lord calls me to do when I get home. I don’t know what I should do about work. I’ve been thinking about working with Bro Cook. I guess I can figure it out when I get home. Honestly its been pretty hard for my comp and I to help the zone. This zone is definitely a lot harder than the other ones I’ve been in. We’ve been working very hard to help the zone but it’s not working. I feel like the goals and things we changed yesterday are gonna change a lot this week. I still am getting tired, haha. It’s the hardest zone I’ve had and some times I just don’t know what to do to help. My comp and I have been praying and looking for revelation a lot lately. So I feel like everything is going to get better. So this week we have 3 people to baptize. 2 are family members of the people we baptized last week and the other one is a lady that we have also been teaching. I’m pretty excited about that. Well 3 weeks and I’ll be back. Love you guys and miss you guys. Elder Lowder

Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 19, 2013

Hey guys! So my birthday was good! I honestly forgot about it until like the day after when I got a phone call from my Pres, haha. It didn’t matter cause I didn’t know any one here yet, so they were’nt gonna do anything for me anyway. Other than that, it was good. I did get the package! I thought I put that in last weeks letter but I did get it and the money! Thank you guys so much, it was awesome! Honestly! So this week was good but weird because I saw a lot of people from my first, second and third areas, so I got to say hi to a lot of them and hear how they have been which filled me with a bunch of joy. They all reminded me of my time which was a wake up call for me, hahaha. So in 4 weeks, I will be home. Wow! So this week we have the baptism of that family I told you guys about, so I’m pretty excited about it. I don’t know what else to talk about, hahaha. Ummmmm. So today we got the zone together and talked about the Atonement with them. It was an awesome experience because the spirit is always so strong when we talk about the atonement. I know that we are going to see a lot of changes now that we understand more about our purpose. So sorry it’s going to be short cause I don’t know what to put. Love you guys! and Miss you guys! Elder Lowder

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 12, 2013

Hey guys!, So this week was good. It’s cool having a white comp again! It’s so weird to have only 5 weeks left on my mission! But don’t worry, I have the goal of 15 baptisms before I get home so I’m going to do it! So do what the mission president asked you guys to do! That’s what we’ve been doing all my mission, so it helps to have more success! Also, it helps you guys have more spiritual experiences and more conversion! When I get home, I’m going to do my best to do it. So to answer your questions, I’m down with what ever. I’m down to having everyone there that wants to be there or just family. It would be good to have a bunch of people there just to be able to see everyone fast and than not have to worry about having to receive visits or stuff like that. It’s up to you guys. So this week we went and taught a family that was having problems because the kids drink a lot. My comp and I got there and we could feel that there were problems with them. So we started to talk to them and help them see that the Lord doesn’t want that stuff to happen in their lives and other things like that. We could tell that they liked it and they accepted to get baptized! It’s a family of 7, so we’re pretty excited about that! So also I’m in Palmar. It’s nice. It’s like 15-20 minutes away from my area that I had for about 10 months so I already know a lot about it. My comps name is Elder Robinson. He’s from Wyoming, hahaha. He’s pretty cowboy! Ummm, The ward is very good. They look like they need a little help, but we’re gonna help them. The Zone is a lot smaller than my other one but they seem to have the same problems, hahaha. We have a meeting in about 20 minutes and we’re gonna talk to them and give them some new goals so that they can get better. My president sent me here and called me and told me I have to train my comp to be the next assistant but I’ve never been assistant, so I don’t know how to do that but we’re gonna see how it goes. I’m super excited about these last few weeks and I’m ready to explode as best as I can to do everything in my power to finish my mission well! Love you guys and miss you guys! Elder Lowder

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 5, 2013

Hey guys! So I have changes for my last six weeks! Let’s see what I can do in my new area in 6 weeks, hahaha. So this week was good! To answer your questions, I have been focusing on helping the missionaries more than looking for investigators but I will be focusing on helping people to baptize and all that on my last 6 weeks. So I’m honestly excited about these last 6 weeks of my mission because I’m going to do my best to dedicate my time and attention to everything I have’nt been able to change on my mission. My president already told me to relax and just learn everything I can in these last 6 weeks cause, I did it!, haha. So I will finish my mission with Elder Robinson. So I will have another American companion who it looks like will be Elder Willis! So I’m pretty excited about it because I feel like we are going to get along very well together. I’m so thankful for it because I honestly wasn’t happy with my comp that I have now but I know that I will get along with the new one, so I’m very happy about these changes. My 2 best friends that I have here on my mission are staying here in the zone. So that’s gonna be hard cause Elder Holley and Elder Pittman and I have gone through a lot together and so I’m pretty sad to leave them. I know that the Lord has something amazing prepared for me on these last 6 weeks of my mission. If you guys have any talks or any scriptures or anything I can study in these last 6 weeks of my mission please send it to me because I really want to learn more and more and dedicate my time to preparing myself more and more to the Lord. Any advice? Love you guys and thank you for everything you have done to help me out and support me in these last 2 years. I’m ready for whatever comes next! Elder Lowder

July 30, 2013

Hey guys! So this week was good! I’m happy to be a missionary and help the Lord! I am super scared about getting home! I’m not even kidding! Just thinking about life after the mission makes me scared haha, but I know I’m prepared and that the Lord has something huge prepared for me! I want to work for him in our ward! So this week was good! On Friday I went and did an interview for the assistants. I don’t know why but they called me and said, “Elder Lowder, we need your help because we have a couple that wants to get baptized but they always tell us no. Come to our church on Friday and interview them please.” On Friday I got on the bus and we went on an hour long drive to interview these people. I went into the interview and we started talking. I asked him how he felt about everything he had been learning and he told me he felt great and he felt different. As we talked the spirit was present and we both knew it. To make it fast, he decided to get baptized. Then his wife came in with me and expressed to me that she had never found anything to believe in in her whole entire life. That the message that the missionaries had been sharing with her had changed her life. We talked and read a little bit of scriptures. She asked me if she was ready to be baptized. I told her and promised her as a representative of Christ that she is ready to get baptized and that it would be what she needed in her life. As I told her that, she and I started crying as we felt the spirit of the Lord testify to her that He loves her and that she was ready. She told me thank you because we helped her find something to believe in and something to love. They were baptized on Saturday. After they were baptized my x companion who is an assistant called me and told me that it had been the best baptismal service he has ever had. After both of them were baptized they stayed in the font hugging and crying knowing that the Lord was there and that he excepted that baptism of water. I know that the Lord lives and that we are his servants. Without us this work would not be completed. We need everyone so that we can bless the lives of our brothers and sisters and help them know the plan of salvation. I know this is true. I love you all and miss you all. In the name of Jesus Christ amen. Elder Lowder

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Hey guys, So this week was good. I went out of the area the whole week doing divisions with various missionarys that needed help working or just arent excited to be here or that are having hard times. I dont know why but i feel more happiness at this point of my mission doing that then working in my own area. I was thinking the other day about how i started my mission and how i had a lot of struggles and all that how i didnt have a trainer that helped me and how that affected me. I felt that now that i am almost done with my mission my greatest desire right now is to help the missionarys that are here that i can help so that there missions can be full of success and full of happiness. I feel like thats the best thing i can do for the Lord right now in my mission. So this week i met a new family the only day i was here in my area. Mariane and Eddie . They were references from a member family. When we went to go and talk to them she opened the door and wouldnt let us in but said she wanted to talk to us at that member familys house. So we set up an appointment to visit them there. When we got to that house we sat down and started talking to them about who we are and what we do then we gave them the time so they could tell us why they were lookig for us. When the mom started talking i felt the biggest feeling of sadness for her as i listened to her explain to us her problem. She told us that in May she was taking a shower while her nephew wathed her little girl of 8 years old. She said when she came out of the shower her nephew was trying to violate the little girl. She told us the only thing she could do was to grab her and hold on to her and tell her she was sorry while the mothers brother was hitting the teenager of 17 years old. I felt so bad for her and felt so many desires to just give her a hug and cry with her and tell her everything is going to be ok. We shared our lesson with her and told her that the Lord lives and will help her. She said she felt so calm and felt hope as she listened to the message we shared with her. I know that this is true and that there is so much power in the atonement and that it can heal any pain that we have. I desire to do what it says in Doctrine and Covenants 98 11-13 and give my life 100% to the Lord so that i can have Eternal Life as my reward. In the name of Jesus Christ amen. So to answer your questions dad yes i would love to work with Brother Cook. My comp and i are doing good working hard. The zone went so down hill that its working my butt off to get it back up again. Tonight at 6 im going to talk to the zone to help them get excited again and start working like they need to work. Were gonna see what happens. Dad the way you can help the missionarys is by finding the need of the investigator and applying it to the lesson and sharing experiences. The person will then feel trust with you and will have more desire to do the things you counsel him or her to do. Thank you guys for helping me and doing what your doing. I Love you guys and miss you guys! Lets go to work!! The Lord needs us all at 100%! Elder Lowder

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

Hey Guys, So this week was good. My comp and I talked and we started to make plans so that we can make everything better here in the zone and so we could start working together. So everything is getting better. We’re gonna go to work this week and we’re gonna have the success that the Lord blesses us with. On Sunday I completed 22 months in the mission, holy crap!! They called me and asked me about which airport and at what time and all that which was super crazy! So I just want to work as hard as I can to baptize as many people as I can and work as hard as I can before I go home. I also want to be able to have more knowledge as far as the scriptures before I get home. So I’m going to be dedicating a lot of time to reading the scriptures and learning as much as I can. So I’m doing good and I’m happy working hard out here and doing my best to get along with my comp and help the zone. I’ll make sure to get ready to get back and to check my email on Wednesday to see about the money. Love you guys and miss you guys. Elder Lowder

July 10, 2013

Hey guys! Sorry this week I didn’t get to write... My comp put appointments during our writing time and then I just haven’t had time to get here and write you guys. I’m so happy to see those pics. Honestly, that made me super happy to see my new niece all dressed up and ready to have her blessing. What a blessing! So, I received my call yesterday and they asked me about where I wanted to land, in which airport and at what time. That was weird to be honest with you guys. So you guys visited where I will be studying? So, my comp and I were having problems last week so we didn’t get to have many spiritual experiences and that makes me feel sad. I try talking to him but he just wants to do things his way and the Zone is going down hill. I just feel like there’s nothing else I can do when someone doesn’t want to cooperate. So that’s kinda hard. But I’ll be good because I know the Lord will help me learn something I need to learn from him and I will grow stronger from this experience. I love you guys and miss you guys. Give that baby a huge hug for me please! Elder Lowder

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013

This stinks!! hahahaha I want to be there so freaking bad!!! She’s way cute! :( Hey guys! I haven’t had time to go get the money yet but I’m gonna go tomorrow or today, don’t worry. So this week was good, we broke the record woooo!!!!!!!!!! I’m honestly tired but it’s not physically that I feel tired. I don’t know what it is. I just feel tired, all out tired. I feel like I have given everything I have the last month to reach the goal and to help the Zone reach its full potential and now I’m tired. I’m kinda mad because my camera broke last month which stinks because now I won’t be able to take pics of my last months, Sorry. So I’m so glad to hear that Breanna had her baby! I printed a picture of her and I’m carrying it with me everywhere I go. Breanna, it makes me glad to know that you were strong in the process, love you and miss ya. So I’ve only got 2 months or so left here and I’m gonna work as hard as I can to baptize and help everyone around me have success. Pray for me so I can have strength again, hahaha. So I can’t wait to get home and see the baby! I’m way excited! A little sad that i didn’t get to be there and be part of the experience but I know that it’s part of the sacrifice. So I have a new comp named Elder Giron, he’s from Ecuador. He seems cool. I haven’t been with him that much because we have been out with all the other missionaries as much as we can so we haven’t had that much time to get to know one another quite yet. At the same time I feel like he only wants to be better than everyone else and that he doesn’t care what I want to do but I don’t know for sure. I’m gonna have to keep trying to get to know him. I’m not worried about it though. I know I’ll be alright and that I’ll be able to do it. I miss you guys and love you guys! I hope that you guys keep enjoying the new baby and that you guys have fun. Talk to y’all later. Love you guys Bye!

June 24, 2013

Hey guys!, So this week was good, I’m exhausted! We worked our butts off. We only need 4 baptisms to complete our goal this month. So I’m pretty excited about that. My comp leaves tomorrow to Monterey and so I will be getting a new comp. So I’m glad to hear everything at home is going good and that you guys are all happy. So today we went to a mountain here in our zone and we climbed it. It was so scary and I’m so tired from it, hahaha. It was scary because the mountain didn’t have trails, so we just free climbed it. I was so happy when we got to the top and I was safe, haha. So yesterday I was there at that meeting watching in the Stake center but half way through some missionaries in the Zone needed some help with some people that were giving them problems, so I missed the whole second part of the training. I heard that it was awesome! So is everything ok with Breanna? She’s not having problems or anything? Everything is going good? I’ll make sure to pray a lot for her so that everything goes well. So I love you guys and hope that you guys can keep staying strong. Pray for me so I can have more energy because I’m tired mentally and physically. I’m sorry my emails don’t really have that much information but I forget a lot of stuff! Elder Lowder

June 17, 2013

Hey guys!, We broke 3 mission RECORDS this weekend for our Lord and Savior, WOOOO!!!! We have 2 weeks left in this month and we already have 52 people baptized! We only need 18 more to have 70 and we have 25 people with baptismal dates for this week, WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday, I couldn’t write because I was stuck in traffic from 6:30 until 9:15 last night. So, I’m sorry about that. I’m glad to hear that everything is going good and that you guys are gonna be busy. What day is Breanna supposed to be having the baby? If you’re gonna be alone, dad, you should hang with the Cooks or visit a bunch of less actives so that they can go back to church. I’m feeling good. My comp and I are getting along because I talked to him and helped him out the best I could, so we’re doing good now and he’s only got 8 days left and then he’s out of here. So I got the protein, thanks guys! The other package was perfect! I’m still working on it, hahahaha. I’m so thankful for all that I have. There are so many days that I’m absolutely exhausted and I feel like I can’t do anything, but some how, some way I work and work and work without fail and I can just keep going. I know that the promises that the Lord and his servants make are true and will come to pass if we have faith and do what they tell us. So I pray that everyone that reads this email can do everything they can to obey everything that the Lord tells us and through his servants, so that we can be blessed. I know with all my heart that its the only way. I love you guys and I miss you guys. I know its been a long time, but 3 months left for me to work my butt off for the Lord and give him all i can so I can graduate from the mission and start my career out there in the real world. Elder Lowder

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

On the way to Meetings. Yep, he got a facial!

June 10, 2013

Hey guys, So this week was good. I sent my companion off to go work with the district leaders so I had a chance to work like I like to in my area this week. We baptized 3 people so I’m very happy about that! As a zone we baptized 18 this week and we want to baptize 70 this month as a zone and I know we can do it! Just to let you guys know, I took the money out today. Thank you guys very very much because it’s helping us out a whole bunch! Also, I got one package, the one with food and all that but the one with protein I didn’t get but I don’t know if you guys sent it late or what happened? But I’m sure it will get here. Im so so so so excited that Brandon finished his eagle scout project and that he’s at EFY! I also hope he really tries to enjoy himself. When I get home I’m gonna whip those guys into shape. Sounds perfect that Ammon’s headed out to study at LDS business college. So that i can get there knowing the little secrets, haha. I’m very happy to be here in the mission and I want to baptize as many as cross my path so that they can know more about the purpose in this life and they can receive the opportunity to get into our Father in Heavens presence. I was given a talk to study because one day we started to talk to some members during dinner about doctrine and things like that, so they told me about a talk they read on their mission called, “with what purpose.” It’s a talk given to missionaries in 1962 and it talks about the pre-mortal life and what’s to come and our purpose here as missionaries and all that. I have such a bigger testimony that our Father in Heaven is perfect and his plan as is perfect and oh how he loves us all as his children. I wish I could have the opportunity to scream it to the whole entire world and teach everyone about these things so that they can learn what we are so so so blessed to know as members of the church! I wish I could help everyone know! So, I need a favor so I can keep working for the Lord as much as I can when I get back. Please tell the Bishop to start thinking about a calling or something he can let me do to serve the ward and the people that live in the boundaries. hahahaha. Well, I love you guys very much and I miss you all and I hope that you guys have fun on your vacations in Texas without kids. When are you guys going to see the baby be born? Is everyone going? In those pictures, she looks very ready to explode! haha Love you guys and thank you guys very much for the prayers and all that you guys do for me! Elder Lowder

June 3,2013

Hey guys!, So to answer your questions, I haven’t had time to be able to do it yet. On Friday I’m gonna have my interview with President but I haven’t had much time to be able to do very much, I’ll have it done really really soon don’t worry. This week was good. We’re still getting better and better. This week we have 5 people to baptize so I’m excited about that. So because I don’t have much time today I’m just gonna write really fast. This week we have a meeting with President Morales and the other zone leaders where we talk about all the problems in the mission and all that. My comp and I are getting along so so because I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but there’s not any communication. Every time something happens I’ll tell him but he never tells me anything which is kind of frustrating even though I’ve talked to him about it like 5 times. He doesn’t seem to care. I don’t know if it’s because he’s leaving in 3 weeks or what’s going on but it’s frustrating. Other than that, everything’s going good and we’re working hard until the last moment. I’ll let you guys know when my packages get here. I love you guys and miss you guys. Elder Lowder

May 20,1988

Hey guys, So this week was good. We worked really hard to fix some of the stuff that’s going on in the Zone. I’m in Los Reyes. It’s pretty far from everywhere else I have been. My comp is from Monterey Mexico. His name is Elder Serrano. He’s not as good as other comps I’ve had because he’s kinda slow, haha. Everything is good though. I’ve got a lot of work to do but it’s all good, I want to do it. So, Elder Hallstrom and his wife came and spoke to our mission today. It was awesome! I learned a whole lot and received a lot of revelation about what I have to do to get better with my work and everything. So I hope everything at home is going great and that you guys keep working hard. I don’t really know what else to say. I love you guys and miss you guys. Elder Lowder

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Recent Pictures

Elder Lowders new investigator, Inside a Catholic Church, Current Companion, Largest Pyramid

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 13, 2013

Hey guys, So today was a good day and I was super excited that I got to talk to you guys yesterday! So today was awesome when we went to the pyramids! I sent you guys a couple of pics but they’re not even close to being all of them. I loved it! So I just want you guys to know I’m a lot more calm about everything since you guys gave me that information and helped me out. I just need to have a plan of sorts for when I get home. It’s now time, I know, to finish my mish good and strong! I love you guys and miss you all! Love, Elder Lowder

May 6, 2013

Hey guys! So this week was good for us. We worked hard! I’m very very tired after talking to the mission and working and all the stress I have had. I’m working as hard as ever to be able to complete my goals and to work hard for the Lord. My comp and I talked to the mission on Friday and taught them about the importance of committing the people to change and to keep the invitations we give them. It went very well, according to what everyone told us. President loved it because the whole time he shook his head yes and had a huge smile on his face, haha. SO that went well. They have’nt told us anything about the calls we’re gonna make on Sunday so I don’t know what time yet, but I’ll let you guys know in an email during the week. So I have 4 months left in my mission! I have a lot to do before it ends so that I can finish my training for what comes afterwards. I know that the Lord loves us and that he needs every single one of our help. I know that we all have trials in our lives so that we can learn from our mistakes so that we can be the sons and daughters worthy of Him and so that we can serve him with all our strength. There is so much that I have to make better and that I have to learn but I will do so because I know that the Lord needs me to run his errands. I’ll write you guys this week to let you know about everything. Love you guys and miss you all so much! Elder Lowder

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 29, 2013

Hey guys, Wow, looks like you guys are having a blast in New York! Looks awesome! That food looks so good! hahaha. So everything here is going good! We baptized and we are happy about what we have to come. So, today I don’t have that much time to write because we have a butt load of stuff to do but I will write you a good email next week. I’m happy, healthy, and working hard. Love you guys and I hope you have a great rest of your trip and that you all have fun. Love and Miss you all! Elder Lowder

April 22, 2013

Hey guys!, So this week was good but at the same time hard for my companion and I. We baptized but we didn’t baptize everyone we wanted to. We sent an investigator named Roberto to a baptismal interview on Thursday. Roberto is a very very important person to us. He was a gangster at 29 years of age that didn’t have anymore hope in life and that was really going downhill in everything. We did all we could to help Roberto change and find the love of Christ in his life. He changed completely as we helped him. So my companion and I sent him to a baptismal interview on Thursday because we knew that he was ready to get baptized. He was in his interview for 1 hour. When he came out he looked happy. We gave him a big hug because the Elder that interviewed him told us that he was gonna get baptized on Saturday. He had to have a special interview with President because he participated in an abortion. When he left, he didn’t look sad or anything, so we let him go with plans to go visit him the next day to see how he was doing and all that. The next day we went to the Church building because we had a meeting with the Bishop to help him out with some things in the Ward. When we got there Robertos’ sister pulled us into a room and talked to us about how Roberto went home the night before crying and that he was saying that he didn’t want anything else to do with the church and a bunch of stuff. She begged us to go find him and help him. So went to go look for him but we couldn’t find him. He didn’t even come to our appointment which wasn’t normal for Roberto. His girlfriend finally got ahold of him and asked him where he was and he said he wasn’t going to make it in time because he went to go see about a job interview he wanted. The next day we went to go look for him but we didn’t find him. It was our turn to eat in their house that day. When we got there we started eating and all that. When we finished eating he showed up. He came into the house very very drunk. He had over a month without touching any kind of substance. We he got there, he said hello and my companion said to him, hey Roberto, we miss you man and he turned and looked at us and called us hypocrites. We started talking to him and trying to help him understand the big misunderstanding. He didn’t want to understand but I’m sure it was for the alcohol. He said a lot of stuff to us that made me feel horrible, because honestly I love Roberto, he is such a great guy and he changed so much. When we left the house we started walking down the street and the words that he said to me when he looked into my eyes and said i never want to see you again, you liar; tore me up and I broke down in the middle of the street. My friend Elder Tapia gave me a hug and told me it wasn’t my fault. My comp and I went to the house and got on our knees and started crying and praying for Roberto. I know that it’s not over with him. I know that he will give us another chance. I know that it wasn’t my fault but i also know that it was partly my fault. I know this church is true and I know that the Lord tries us because he loves us. I know that as I stay strong and do what I have to do, I never have to worry. I love you guys and I hope that you all have a great trip to New York. Elder Lowder

April 15, 2013

Hey guys!, So this week was good, we baptized and have people to baptize for the next 3 weeks! So I just want to thank you guys for all you do to help me out and just for everything you guys do for everyone out there. So Dad, how is it going with that patient that is interested in the Gospel? How is Brother Clemons doing in his process? Is Brandon doing good? Still hanging out with Ammon? So I’ve been doing P90x with my comp in the morning and when we have time at night and I feel great! I’m gonna get back looking better, promise! So dad, I was thinking and talking to my comp the other day and we were talking about Nauvoo and I remembered when we went you said that we are related to the gun smith that was there? I don’t know if you remember but if you do fill me in on some information about that because Elder Willis says that he’s related to them so it could be that we’re family in some way or another, hahaha. So I was wanting to know if you guys have anything planned for my return? I’ve been thinking a little bit about where I want to study and what I want to do and all that. I’m almost sure that I want to study in Arizona but I still have a little bit of desire to study in Utah. I’m wanting to study something that has to do with psychology or the body like nutrition and weight lifting, health stuff, hahaha, but i don’t know yet. So i was thinking the other day about a lot of things while I was in a meeting with my Mission President and the Area 70 and the assistants and Stake Presidents. As I listened to them complain about all the problems they have in their Stakes and Wards when it comes to missionary work. All the things they complained about were that organizations were’nt completing their responsibilities and things like that. As I was thinking about what they were saying, a story came to my mind in the Bible. It was when Jesus Christ dies for us and then he’s resurrected. When he dies and is resurrected what the apostles do. Peter basically tells them, like Jeffrey R Holland said in 2 conferences ago, that we did our best, we worked hard but I’m afraid it’s over and all that. So they go back to work as fishermen. Then as they were fishing, Christ comes back and asks Peter if he loves him 3 times and all three times he says, yes. This came to my mind and I thought about the importance of verifying the things in the church. Like as zone leaders we give orders to the district leaders and they give them to their missionaries. Everytime we give an order, we always call 4 or 5 times a day to check to see if they’re doing what we asked them to do and we check how they’re doing and what they’re doing and all that. When we do this the missionaries always do what we ask because they remember and they don’t have any excuse to not do it. I feel that this is a very very good way to be able to make sure that our revelation and the revelation from President Morales is being completed. This is something that I’ve personally never seen in the church being used as much as we should use it. I’m sure that we do it, but just sometimes not as much as we can. I honestly feel very strongly about this. That if we truly verify with our organizations and help them complete the things they need to do, they’re going to do it. But now I haven’t explained to you all why that story is in the Bible. In that story, Jesus Christ can see that his apostles are full fulfilling the things that he sent them to do. So our Savior goes and verifies 3 times to Peter about why he isn’t doing the things he asked him to do. After Jesus asks him 3 times if he loves him and 3 times tells him what he should be doing Peter and the other Apostles are converted again and start doing what the Lord asked them to do. I know with all my heart that when we are asked to do something, sometimes we forget or we just don’t do it. But I know that as leaders, if we verify with our quorums or our Wards, we will have more success. I know that this is true. I know it because I’ve seen it here in the mission as a missionary and a leader I have been able to see the success. The Lord did it, why shoudn’t we. I know that this church is true! I know that the Lord suffered for us so we can have Eternal life. I know that he has left teachings and examples that as we study them we can receive revelation in what we need to do better in our lives and our callings. I love this gospel and I know that as we live it and we do our best to be like our Savior, we can see so many miracles in our lives and in the lives of so many. I also know that as we study the scriptures and pray everyday as a family and personally, we WILL be strengthened more and more every day and in all things. I promise as you all look for the bad things in your lives and change them into good you will be happier and you will feel the Saviors presence and hand in your lives more and more. I love you all and miss you! I share these things with you all in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Elder Lowder

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 8, 2013

Hey guys! This week was good! We baptized and we married some people which was absolutely special. We had a great experience doing it! We took them to a place that really honestly sucked! They didn’t even do a ceremony so I called another judge I know and he did the ceremony for us for free which is a blessing! The conference was absolutely amazing! I loved it so much! I loved Hollands talk and I loved Pres. Monsons’ talk in Priesthood, also I liked Elder Hales! I absolutely loved it! hahaha, Brandon will get to that time where it’s important to him to. So my companion and I worked our butts off this week! We have 8 people with baptismal dates this week, I’m so excited!! woooooo!! Thank you guys for the money, honestly I know it was a lot but it was what we needed for these people and now they’re members of the church and enjoying the blessings of our Father in Heaven. I love you guys and hope that everything’s going great! Can you guys believe that I’ll be home in 6 months or so! Ahhhhhhhhh!!! It’s going by so fast! I miss you guys and love you guys! Elder Lowder

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mexico, Mexico City Southeast mission. Find Waldo!

April 1, 2013

Hey guys! So this week was good! We broke the record in baptisms! My comp and I baptized 2 so we’re way happy! I’ve been going to the gym! It’s really helping my health. As you can see I’ve gotten pretty skinny. So it’s good to hear everything at home is going good. So the other day we went on divisions with the assistants and we went and taught one of my investigators about the Book of Mormon. When we started teaching, we felt the spirit so strong. We said some prayers with him after promising him that he could get an answer about the Book of Mormon. We said the prayer and we had a member with us in the lesson that had been a member for over 6 years. She told us and our investigator Martin that when we taught and prayed she felt a feeing that she had never felt in all her life. She never felt it when she was baptized or when she was confirmed or when she was at church. She said she’s never had such a strong feeling that the church is true in all her life. She said she saw a light come into the room and touch us all as we waited listening to the spirit after the prayer. It was awesome! I started to tear up to know that the Lord used us as we taught the Book of Mormon to help her finally receive that answer she had been waiting so long for! This week I have a bunch of goals I want to achieve. I want to be able to strengthen my testimony of the power of the priesthood and have the opportunity to use my priesthood more. I want to be able to teach someone that has been waiting all their life to hear the gospel. I know without a doubt that this church is true. I know that when we have enough faith we can do literally anything we desire that is good. This week I was talking to a missionary that wanted to baptize someone but that didn’t have anyone. I talked to him and told him that he could baptize if he wanted to because that’s what the Lord has promised us. He told me that the problem was that he didn’t believe it could happen because he didn’t have anyone. I read him one of my favorite versus in the Bible in Matthew 19: 26 and promised him that the Lord can do anything if he has Faith and works as hard as he can to find someone. So he did; he said he didn’t believe me but he did it. That night he called me and told me he didn’t find anyone and he told me that he wasn’t going to baptize this week. I said I believe the Lord will bless you and that you guys will baptize and he just laughed and said ok. The next day he called me and asked me if I could come and do a baptismal interview. I went and he said I can’t believe it but he just showed up. That guy was baptized and Elder Wood learned a new lesson. Thanks to the Lord. Love you guys and Miss you. Elder Lowder
Elder Lowder's Zone set the bsptismal record at 48 this month. Congratulations Chalco Zone! Making home made tortillas. Baptism day with Elder Lowder, his companion and their 2 week greenie.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 25, 2013

Hey guys!, So this week was very busy! We had a son! My wife (companion) Elder Quiñones gave birth on Tuesday at 9:30 in the morning to a white boy from Utah named Elder Embley. hahaha. So this week is crazy. I have to go to the mission offices. I have divisions with the assistants so I don’t have any time to write anyone. I’m gonna write you guys better another day. Sorry! i love you guys. I’m safe. I got the money. Elder Lowder Well, at least we know he’s still alive!

March 18, 2013

Hey Guys, So this week was great! Our Zone is number one in baptisms in the mission now! WOOOO!!! Quinten L. Cook came to visit and spoke to us! WOOOOW!! So I was pretty excited when he came and spoke to us with Elder Maines from the 70 presidency. The spirit was so strong testifying to us of their callings and of their words. So tomorrow my companion and I are going to have a kid (greenie). We’re going to train a new missionary for 2 weeks! hahahaha. It’s going to be awesome! We’re gonna work him hard and teach him a lot! We’re way excited about that! So, I don’t know how I can be more detailed in my emails. We baptized a family this week Brenda, Kevin, and Luis. They were way way excited and ready for their baptism. They were having a lot of problems as a family and didn’t know how to fix them. But the problems that they had have been changing and they are happier then ever! So everything is good here, we’re working hard and trying to change this Ward as well as we can! What can I do to help you guys? I love you and miss you all! Elder Lowder

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 11, 2013

Hey guys, So this week was very good! We did divisions with the assistants which was fun and I learned a lot with them! Also, Elder Cook is going to come on Saturday like you said, Dad. I’m way way excited about that! I’m way excited because this week went great! We baptized 16 as a zone and my companion and I baptized 3, so I’m pretty excited about that. On Sunday I talked to my President and he told me that my new Presidents name is what you guys just said, I forgot what it is, but that’s it, I’m 100 % sure. So I’m pretty tired but happy happy happy about the work that’s going on! So I hope that I can do everything in my power to help the Lord in my life, but not just in this short mission, but in every minute of my life. I never want to let him down, ever! I love this Gospel and I love my Father in Heaven! Elder Lowder

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 4, 2013

Hey guys! I love being Zone Leader! It’s fun to be able to teach the zone! I love standing in front of a group of people and teach what I know to be true! It’s awesome to be able to serve and help also! I’m happier because my comp is pretty cool and works really hard so we get along very well! His name is Elder Quiñones and he’s from Aquas Calientes. He’s way cool. So I don’t know if you guys have heard about the fact that they are going to start new missions. I’ve been called to serve in the Mexico City Chalco Mission. President Morales called me and told me the other day, hahaha, it’s crazy! He also told me he wants to put me as assistant to the new mission President O_O but we’ll see what happens, hahaha. So I still cant believe the fact that I have completed 18 months in the mission! I’m happy and as much as I miss you guys I don’t want to go back home, hahaha. I want to stay and keep preaching the word of God! Holy cow! I saw the picture of Brandon. He’s still not as tall as me! No, we can’t extend anymore. I wish, but no. We did good as a Zone this week. We baptized 12 and we 18 with dates this week. It makes me feel good because before I got here this zone baptized like 5 or 6 every week. So I’m way happy that the Lord has helped my companion and I make all that better. My companion and I baptized 3 this week. I have 11 weeks baptizing in a row, haha. I’m excited about that. We have 4 with baptismal dates for this week. I love you guys and Miss you guys! Elder Lowder

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 25, 2013

Hey guys!, I’m in Solarirdad as zone leader, haha. It’s so ugly here! There’s just a whole bunch of dirt. It’s like my first area, but I’m excited and ready to work. We baptized 3 this week and we have 2 more for this week to baptize. I’m way sad that I’m not in my old area but I know that this is where the Lord wants me to be at this time. Pray that I can get used to everything and I can start feeling happier. So it’s great to hear that the youth conference went great with you guys! Sounds like it was a lot of fun. So they sent me to one of the worst zones in the mission! When I got there, they had only been baptizing like 4 or 5 a month. My companion and I went crazy and we baptized 12 in the zone, haha. We give all the thanks to our Heavenly Father for giving us the opportunity. We’re gonna be doing this every week though! So I’m happy and a little sad but its all goood. I love you guys and miss you and hope everything keeps going good! Elder Lowder

February 19,2013

Hey guys!, So it’s a sad and happy time here in the mission. Sad because I’m leaving, which to be honest is ridiculously hard to do! Happy because I get to go and help other people. It hurts to leave this area. I can honestly say that I love it and I’m definitely going to come back! It’s going to be fast this week due to time but I love you guys. Pray for strength so that I don’t get too sad! Love you guys! Elder Lowder

February 12, 2013

Hey Guys, So this week was good! We worked very very very hard preparing an activity that my companion and I have been planning with the Stake.It’s gonna be a huge activity! It’s called a trip to Hawaii. It’s gonna be awesome! What we’re gonna do is, the people that come are gonna enter into an airplane and we’re gonna take off. It’s gonna be exactly like a flight with the sounds and the pilots and everything. So when the people are in the airplane the plane is gonna have some problems and we’re gonna crash and die. Then an Angel is going to enter the crashed plane and he’s going to explain to them what is going to happen. We’re then taking the people through the plan of salvation where they’re gonna enter into rooms and see different things that members are doing and they’re gonna explain about how they got there and more!! It’s gonna be awesome! We baptized this week and we have 2 more for this week that’s coming. So I’m feeling good and I’m focused don’t worry! I felt your guys love this week! I know that our Heavenly Father gives us trials so that we can be stronger and we can choose who and what we want to be. I love my Father in Heaven and I know that I’m not at all perfect but I know that through my Father in Heaven I can be who my Father wants me to be. I am thankful every single day for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and I’m so grateful that I have the opportunity to repent thanks to that sacrifice He made. I had the opportunity to go to the Temple with some of my converts to buy books and things. I felt how much I truly love my Father in Heaven as I was close to His house and feeling His love and spirit. I love my Father in Heaven. I truly truly Love him. Elder Lowder

February 5, 2013

Hello Family!, So this week was good! We didn’t baptize, But it’s ok because we have 5 people with baptismal dates for this Saturday, so we’re excited about that. So I missed the super bowl! Everyone says it was way good at the end? So I want to know how I can get better in some things. What ways have you used to increase your faith? I want mine to be stronger, so what should I do? So I have an investigator that wants to change what he is doing wrong and it’s driving me crazy because he cries about the fact that he wants to change but he doesn’t change and that’s what’s driving me crazy. We’re trying everything to help him change but he can’t! What should my comp and I do? So how’s life and everything? Tell me what’s going on with you! Love you guys and Miss you guys! Its gonna rain! Bye!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

January 28,2013

Hey Guys!, So this week was great! We worked very hard but we didn’t baptize, ( our investigator got to church and she didn’t like some things she saw so we have to go and help her out with that this week). So we hope to get her baptized with her other 2 kids this next week. Other than that, it was good. My Zone leader Elder Agurto came and worked with me this week and it went well for us! We had a lot of success together, which was great. So I’m struggling to find how I can help my district do better than they’re doing right now. I’m not too sure how I can help them baptize more! I feel like I’m doing a lot but there’s something missing there and I don’t know what it is. Any advice? So I’m glad to hear that everything’s going good back home and that you’re all excited. So we had a very spiritual experience this week. We went to the church building to give a tour to an investigator named Claudia. When we got there we started to talk to her about the gospel, about baptism and about the church and what we do there. When we started to explain what it was all about and the sacrament, she started to cry. She told us of some fears that she had and some things that she’s been tempted to do but hasn’t due to fear. Which is good because they’re not good things at all. We sat and talked to her and read with her, prayed with her and she’s way excited to be able to get baptized this week with her family! I’m way excited also! I’m also very thankful for the Spirit and the miracles it brings in people! How come Brandon didn’t make the baseball team? So right now we’re planning an activity that we came up with a little while ago and the Stake has already accepted it. It’s a trip to Hawaii. What we’re gonna do is w’re gonna enter into an airplane and crash on the way to Hawaii. When we crash ,everyone’s gonna die and they’re all gonna go through the 3 kingdoms of glory and learn about the Plan of Salvation. I’ll explain more next week! Love you guys and miss you, Elder Lowder

January 21,2013

Hey guys!, So this week was very very long and interesting, but great! Like I said, I went on divisions all week with my district. When I got back, I was exhausted!! On Tuesday I went with Elder Parkinson, on Wednesday I went with Elder Uresti, Thursday Elder Huaser, and Friday Elder Lee. I got to know them pretty well and had the opportunity to learn from them and teach them, which was great! So on Thursday I got sick! I was throwing up and I had diarrhea. My body hurt and I was exhausted but I went to work like that. I almost died, but I made it through. On Friday my Zone Leaders came and gave me a blessing with my companion and I felt great afterward. We had success but we could have had more. I talked to my president and he helped me see what else we were missing as a district to have success. He told me that a lot of the Elders in my district aren’t completing their goals that they put down and that President has given us. So today I’m gonna talk about that in the class so that we can start having success. So I’m glad to hear everything is going great for you guys and that you are all working hard. My exercise is going good and eating better food helped me feel better until I got sick again. That made me lose weight again but I’m all better now, don’t worry. I love you guys and miss you all!! Let me know the number code! Elder Lowder

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 14, 2013

Hey Guys!!!!! This week has been very good! As a district, it was kind of hard. This week I have plans to do a lot of things for the district. So I’m teaching right now a Jose de Jesus, Dulce, and the Familia Salazar right now. I don’t have many investigators right now but we’re in the process of that. This week Jose de Jesus is going to get baptized he doesn’t have any problems that are gonna make him not get baptized. We’re gonna baptize him on Saturday afternoon! So this week I started doing exercise and it felt great! Especially to start my day off like that and then start working in the Lords work. So like I said I have a lot of plans for my district this week to be able to help them out. This week I’m gonna go on divisions with every single companionship in my district so that I can help them find new investigators and put more baptismal dates together. So I pray that this will help us have more success. I know it will because I was at church on Sunday and felt that this is what my district needs. So I hope that you guys stay away from the flu and all the sicknesses going around. I am feeling great again like I said! Maybe giving blessings to the whole family will help you guys recover 100%, just a suggestion. So just to let you guys know tomorrow morning I’m going to go take out the money! Also I won’t be in my house all week until Saturday because like I said I’m going to go on divisions all week so if there’s anything you need to tell me, let me know in your letter next week! I miss you guys and Love you guys a lot! Elder Lowder

January 8, 2013

Hey guys, How’s it going! I miss you all and hope your week has been great and that it’s been spiritual as well. My week was great in many ways! The biscuits and gravy were good, but I wasn’t as impressed as everyone else. The biscuits were sweet instead of being salty so it wasn’t the same taste but it still was good stuff! Sounds great about the money, honestly thank you guys sooooo much for this help! Im starting to plan all the money out as to how I’m gonna do it. I had in mind to buy those kinds of foods that you’re saying to be able to put more weight on again. Thank you guys so much! So I had an interview on Saturday with an investigator. It was funny because my zone leader sent me with her because he said she was good looking and he wanted the most handsome of the zone to go and talk to her so he sent me... hahahaha. Anyway, when I got there we started talking and I started interviewing her and all that. It was funny because we got along really well and the interview was honestly one of the most spiritual experiences of my mission. When we got done, we walked out and I forgot to ask her who she wanted to baptize her. So I asked her and she asked who is allowed to baptize her and we explained it to her and she was like, I want you to baptize me Elder Lowder! haha. I felt really honored to be chosen. Before I told her yes, I took the missionaries and talked to them because I didn’t want to have any problems and they told me that they wanted me to do it. So I had the opportunity to baptize her on Saturday! So today are transfers and I’m staying! Thats why I didn’t write you guys yesterday because I wanted to be able to let you guys know what was going to happen. But I’m staying again hahaha. I’m gonna serve the rest of my mission here, I’m pretty sure. The Lord called me to the Mexico, Mexico D.F. Lucero mission haha. But I honestly wouldn’t get mad or sad if I stayed here all my mission because I love it here! The members are great, there’s a lot of success here and I feel extremely happy! Of course, when they change me from this area I’m going to be sad and all but I will keep working as hard as ever to keep things going in this mission and in the Lords work. I love you guys so much and I’m honestly so grateful for all you guys do for me! You guys do more for me then you realize and I’m so thankful for all of it! I love you guys and hope you guys have a great week! Elder Lowder

January 2, 2013

Hey guys!, I hope you guys had a great and happy New Years and that everything went how you hoped! I really enjoyed these last few weeks because, of course, I had the opportunity to celebrate new beginnings and the Birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. What a blessing are the gifts that the Lord gives us every day. Sometimes we go on through life and we forget these blessings and we forget to tell the Lord thank you. So we fall into pride and stop doing the things we are supposed to do. I can only imagine the sadness the Lord feels when his children act as if we deserve more than what we receive. The Lord is not obligated to give us what we need always. He wants our best efforts and wants us to learn. We should always thank the Lord and then ask him. So this year I gave the Christmas money you sent me to a sister in my ward. She has had some money problems and work problems. When I got home one day she looked way sad so I asked her what was wrong and we sat talked about the fact that she wasn’t gonna be able to buy gifts for her kids on Christmas because she didn’t have the money to do so. During that time after she told me, a bunch of stuff started to happen. Her washing machine broke, the window on her front door broke, her son was sent to the hospital with an asthma attack, etc. My companion and I started doing everything we could to help them. So when you guys sent me the money I thought after all these problems the least I can do to help her is buy give her a little bit of money so that she can enjoy Christmas with her kids. The day I went to the bank I was really bothered because I didn’t know what I was going to do so that I could give the money to her but without her finding out that it was from you guys. I had an idea to go buy an envelope and take it to a member and have them write a letter and write a note on the envelope for me so that she wouldn’t recognize my hand writing. Its funny because on that day it was our turn to eat with her and her family. An hour before it was time to go eat we swung by the house really fast to drop off the envelope with the money inside. So we went early and just walked by the house and when we walked by I dropped the envelope into the house and we left. When we came back to eat, she already had the card opened and everything. We went in and sat down and she was sitting there crying and so we asked her, trying not to smile or laugh, what happened what’s the card she had in her hand. She looked at me with a big grin on her face and said someone gave me the opportunity to give my kids a Christmas like I wanted to and said thank you whoever it was and winked at me. hahaha. We played it off really well and told her it wasn’t us but i don’t know if she still thinks it was me or what. She ended up buying gifts for her kids. On Christmas morning it made me very emotional to be able to see them open their gifts and to be able to watch this members face light up so much to see her kids open their gifts. Thank you guys for doing that, honestly it’s one of the greatest traditions we have as a family and I have really cherished both the opportunities I’ve had to be able to be part of it and see their faces. I love you guys and miss you guys and hope you have a great week. I hope that you guys work as hard as you can to complete your goals you set this New Year. Elder Lowder